- What inspired you to start your entrepreneurial journey at a young age?
We identified the urgent need for ReCircle whilst researching data about waste management in India. We observed that India was importing waste from the rest of the world to run its Recycling Industries, even though we generated enough garbage in our own cities. It became evident that the problem lay with the supply chain or the recovery of waste. Thus was born RaddiConnect, our company that operated as an Uber model for Raddiwalas. As RaddiConnect grew and expanded to integrate more stakeholders, we evolved to become ReCircle in 2021, a social enterprise with a firm resolve to impact India’s social, environmental and economic infrastructure through the recovery and repurposing of waste
- What were the several challenges you faced as a young entrepreneur?
My background in Finance is a far throw from the unconventional and unorganised sector of Waste Management. When we started ReCircle, Resource Recovery was a novel concept, so unaware friends and family would tease us by calling us Raddiwala. I had also risked the steady safety of a conventional job, due to which I had outsiders second guessing my professional path. However, after delivering tangible impact, it is heartening to see the naysayers become some of our most ardent supporters.
- 1-2 teachings in general about the business environment and people around.
- Persistence and Passion are the keys to running a successful business. The entrepreneurial journey is fraught with ups and downs; it is of utmost importance to stick with the work, and to keep putting in the hours. And the only way you can do that is by being truly passionate about the work you do. Waking up and sleeping with the singular thought of ‘What next’ must be your driving force.
- You are only as good as your team. However, it is up to you to build the right team who is aligned with your vision and ethics. This is imperative as it is impossible to both micromanage and scale at the same time. I am grateful to my team for allowing me to consistently think ahead.
- What was your family’s reaction when you said you wanted to start your business at a young age?
I made my first business pitch to my father. He responded by giving me the initial seed capital to kickstart RaddiConnect. My immediate family has always been extremely supportive.
- Were the resources available enough for you to kick start your business?
As an Entrepreneur, I have learned through experience, that you will never have sufficient or ‘enough’ resources to fulfill your vision. But that is part of the game. The key is to make the most of what you have. In so many ways, this philosophy mirrors what we do at ReCircle – make the most out of what we have.
- What do you feel about young entrepreneurs in India?
The youth of our country has awakened to the entrepreneurial journey being a holistically rewarding career path. Their ability to think outside the box, take risks and focus on long-term gratification is inspiring.
- What is your Business all about?
At ReCircle, we are driven to divert trash from entering our overflowing landfills and water bodies; instead, we redirect this unharnessed resource back into the economy, where it can be reused, and repurposed, or recycled. We do this by building an ethical and traceable reverse supply chain for plastics, where we track the trash material from the source of collection to its final processing place. Our inclusive operational model partners with local scrap collectors that help us collect this material, and ensure it reaches the appropriately registered processors. The material that flows through our supply chain is then sold as Plastic Credits to businesses to help them comply with mandatory Plastic Waste Management policies, as well as achieve Plastic Neutrality.
- What makes your Business Industry so Unique?
At ReCircle, what most people see as Waste, we see as an untapped Resource. Our multi-stakeholder model enables every section of society to conveniently engage in mindful living – be it individuals, communities, corporations, or municipal bodies. We have put in tremendous effort to enable businesses to take ownership of the waste they produce. We do this by incentivizing collectors to collect the scrap on their behalf. Businesses that buy plastic credits from ReCircle make a multifold impact that is both environmental and social in nature. I am especially proud of building a sustainable business model that is growing exponentially year on year, all whilst creating a massive impact on the ecosystem. ReCircle has also given us a platform to solve Environment issues whilst tackling broader social impact. We have built the infrastructure for Waste Management in India, thereby providing fair wages and dignity of labor to waste collectors, respectfully referred to as ‘Safai-Saathis’ at ReCircle.
- If anyone wants to connect with you, how can they connect? (for Eg. Email/Website, etc)
- 1 Advice that you would like to the aspiring young entrepreneurs of India?
Know why you want to become an Entrepreneur. Don’t do it if you think it’s cool and fun, that won’t last for long. Only embark upon this journey you have identified a problem to solve, and you believe that you have the answer. Go a step further by recognizing if you are the right person to solve this particular problem.